Limit Black 黑膜镀膜

单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 1324
发货 江苏苏州市预售,付款后7天内
库存 500Kg起订0.5Kg
品牌 Limit Black
规格 1-3mm
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-09-02 10:43


Limit Black™   (镀黑薄膜材料)
Limitblack是一款可镀制黑色光学薄膜高折射率材料,产品具有易熔融性,这种材料可在塑料上产生黑色的低反射层,这些层的 透过率带点棕色,而不是黑色。可以在应用在太阳眼镜,车载镜头,相机镜头,触摸屏面板,显微镜等领域应用。
Limitblack is a coating of a black optical film with a high refractive index material that melts easily and produces a low reflective layer of black on top of the plastic, with a transmittance of brown rather than black. It can be used in sunglasses, car lens, camera lens, touch screen panel, LCD projector, microscope and other fields.
材料性质 / PVD Coating Parameters
  化学式/Chemical formula   Limit Black
  规格/Size   1-3mm
  密度/Density       4.4g/cm3    
  熔点/Evaporation temperature     1800    
  折射率/Refractive index     2.0 at 500nm    
镀膜参数 / PVD Coating Parameters
  镀膜机型号/Coater   Univac 1350
  真空度/Vacuum   9.0x10-4Pa
  蒸发速率/Deposition rate     2.5A/S)    
  基板温度/Substrate temperature     无加热    
贮藏方式 / Storage Conditions
避光密封低温保存    Keep package sealed, under low temperature and away from light
包装 / Package
500克/瓶或1公斤/瓶   500g/Bottle or 1Kg/Bottle
苏州丽玻光电科技有限公司 / Suzhou lebo optical Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel : +86-512-8566-5180     Fax: +86-512-8217-7027
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