Computational Imaging Achievements Exhibition & Presentation Session



This event aims to comprehensively review and showcase the academic achievements of computational imaging technology, as well as the development of theories, technologies, and products related to the industrial chain. It is hoped that through this event, the weak links in its ecosystem can be revealed, providing strong support for future development directions, and better promoting the development of computational imaging technology itself and its applications in multiple fields.

This achievements exhibition will be divided into "Device Innovation, Core Algorithms, System Design, and Application Products" according to the entire computational imaging industrial chain. The achievements from January 2024 to August 2025 will be displayed, and each category will be exhibited in sequence by year. This achievements exhibition is only open to teams with independent research and development capabilities. According to the attributes of the applying units, two application channels, namely the "Academic" and the "Industrial" channels, will be opened.

   (Please scan the QR code to download the relevant documents.)



                                                                                          Deadline: 10th June









Yu Bai, Chinese Society for Optical Engineering, China
Tel: 18846760952, E-mail:

Jiaming Qian, Nanjing University of Science Technology, China
Tel: 18751966162, E-mail:

SPIE Proceedings

The Proceedings of this conference will bepublished in the SPIE Digital Library withover 450,000 papers from other outstanding conferences and SPIE Journals and books from SPIE Press.

Supported Journals:

PhotoniX (SCI)
Infrared and Laser Engineering (EI)
PhotoniX Life
Opto-Electronic Advances( SCI)
Photonic Sensors(SCI)
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves (SCI)
Optical Precision Engineering (EI)
Acta Photonica Sinica (EI)
Journal of Semiconductors (EI)
Chinese Optics(EI)


Please submit a 300-500 words abstract in English for technical review purposes that is suitable for publication. If accepted, the contact author will receive notification of acceptance by email. Before you submit the abstract, Please refer to the following examples.

Download abstract template:


Abstract submission deadline: 15 April 2025 (1st Round)

Download invited talks template:
Manuscript Submission: 

Topic 1: Mathematical and Physical Foundations of Computational Imaging

· Physical Modeling and Information Theory of Imaging Systems

· Optical Transfer Function Theory

· Optical Information Theory and Signal Processing

· Inverse Problem Solving and Optimization Algorithms

· System Performance Evaluation Methods and Standards

· Computational Imaging and Deep Learning Theory 

Topic 2: Non-Line-of-Sight and Scattering Imaging

· Complex Medium Light Transmission Control Technologies

· Imaging through Scattering Media

· Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) Imaging and Looking Around the Corner

· Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Shaping· Time-Reversal Imaging

Topic 3: 3D Imaging and Depth Sensing

· Structured Light 3D Imaging

· Fringe Projection Profilometry

· Photogrammetry

· Time-of-Flight Imaging

· LiDAR Technology

· Digital Image Correlation

· Phase Measurement Deflectometry

· Camera Array Integrated Imaging

· Light Field 3D Imaging

· Bionic Vision (Fly/Mantis Shrimp Compound Eyes)

· Metaverse Digital Twin Imaging

Topic 4: Polarization Imaging and Event Imaging

· Polarization Parameter Measurement and Calibration

· Polarization-Gated Imaging

· Polarization 3D Imaging

· Polarization Biological Microscopy

· Polarization Target Detection and Recognition

· Polarization Dehazing/Underwater Imaging

· Neuromorphic Imaging and Sensing

· Event-Driven Computational Imaging

Topic 5: Holography and Phase Imaging

· Holographic Interferometric Measurement

· Digital Holography Technology

· Holographic Microscopy

· Quantitative Phase Imaging

· Coherent Diffraction Imaging

· Lensless Imaging

· Iterative Phase Recovery

· Light Intensity Transfer Equation

· Layered Imaging

· Fourier Layered Imaging

· Tomographic 3D Measurement

· Optical Diffraction Tomography

· Coherence Measurement

Topic 6: Multiband and Spectral Imaging

· Infrared/Low-Light-Level Computational Imaging

· Visible/Infrared Image Multimodal Fusion

· Terahertz Computational Imaging

· Microwave/X-ray Computational Imaging

· Aperture Coding Imaging

· Wavefront Coding Imaging

· Synthetic Aperture Imaging

· Computational Multi/High/Hyper-Spectral Imaging Technologies

· Advanced Spectrometer Design

· Spectral Data Processing and Analysis

Topic 7: Single-Photon/Single-Pixel/Quantum Imaging

· Single-Photon Detection Technology

· Fundamental Theory of Correlated Imaging

· Computational Correlated Imaging

· Single-Pixel Imaging

· Quantum Correlated Imaging

· Quantum Tomography Techniques
· Quantum-Enhanced Sensing

Topic 8: Micro/Nano-Optics Computational Imaging

· Multidimensional Light Field Control Based on Micro/Nano-Optics

· Diffraction Optics and Computational Imaging

· Metasurfaces and Metaphotonics

· Computational Imaging Based on Artificial Nano/Micro Structures

· Liquid Lenses and Computational Imaging

· Planar Optical Element Design

· Photoelectronic Integrated Imaging Chips 

Topic 9: Biomedical Optical Imaging

· Super-Resolution Microscopy

· Deep-Penetration Microscopy

· Label-Free Microscopy

· Large-Field High-Resolution Mesoscopic Imaging

· Ultrasound/Photoacoustic/Thermal/X-ray Imaging

· Optical Manipulation and Optical Tweezers

· Optical Coherence Tomography

· Optical Tomography

· Magnetic Resonance Imaging

· Wearable/Interventional Imaging

· Cross-Blood-Brain-Barrier Neuroimaging

· Single-Molecule Localization and Dynamic Tracking· Intelligent Surgical Navigation Imaging

Topic 10 (Special Topic): Artificial Intelligence and Computational Imaging

· Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Technologies

· Deep Learning-Based Imaging System Design

· Deep Learning-Based Computational Imaging Reconstruction

· Physics-Driven Deep Learning

· Optical Neural Networks

· Optical Computing and Photonic Chips

· Intelligent Imaging Electronics and Detectors

· Big Data/Big Models Supporting Computational Imaging

· Intelligent Detectors and Processors 

Topic 11 (Special Topic): Extreme Challenges in Computational Imaging

· Ultrafast Computational Optical Imaging

· Ultraspeed Transient Imaging and Testing

· Microscale Computational Imaging

· Passive Super-Resolution Imaging Detection

· Turbid Underwater Imaging Compensation

· Strong Scattering Media Imaging

· Long-Distance Target Imaging and Detection

· Large-Scale Target Imaging and Measurement

· Imaging in Strong Scattering Media

· Multiphysical Field Fusion Imaging

· Multisystem/Multiple Array Collaborative Imaging

· Multisource Platform Data Processing and Fusion

· Computational Imaging-Communication Joint Optimization

· Distributed/Edge Intelligent Imaging Systems


Chinese Society for Optical Engineering (CSOE)

Computational Imaging Committee, CSOE
Nanjing University of Science Technology
National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Space Security
Smart Computational Imaging (SCI) Laboratory

Tsinghua University
Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS
Soochow University
Fujian Normal University
Beijing MEET YUAN Co., Ltd
Smart Computational Imaging Research Institute of Nanjing University of Science and Technology

International Steering Committee:
David Brady, University of Arizona, USA
Sylvain Gigan, Sorbonne University, France
Ayodogan Ozcan, University of California,Los Angeles, USA
Guoan Zheng, University of Connecticut, USA

Honorary Chair:
Songlin Zhuang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

General Chairs:

Min Gu, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Jianyu Wang, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
David Brady, University of Arizona, USA


Qian Chen, North University of China, China
Xiaopeng Shao, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, China
Liangcai Cao, Tsinghua University, China
Xiaodi Tan, Fujian Normal University, China

Executive Chair:
Chao Zuo, Nanjing University of Science Technology, China

Program Committee

Xun Cao, Nanjing University, China
Feihu Xu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Xin Yuan, Westlake University, China

Organizing Committee

Bo Dai, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Shijie Feng, Nanjing University of Science Technology, China
Wen Qiao, Soochow University, China
Fei Liu, Xi Dian University, China
Ping Su, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China
Qiongge Sun, Beijing MEET YUAN Co., Ltd, China
Xiaolei Zhang, Zircon Optoelectronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, China



Welcome to CITA2025
Computational imaging has emerged as a cutting-edge and highly active research frontier in the field of optoelectronics both domestically and internationally. It holds extensive application potential and demand in areas such as autonomous vehicle navigation, industrial production and inspection, life sciences and healthcare, and national defense security. To strengthen academic exchanges, broaden research perspectives, promote the collaborative development of related disciplines and industries, and enhance the global influence of computational imaging technology research in China, the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering, in collaboration with leading domestic institutions in the field of computational imaging, is organizing "the 5th International Conference on Computational Imaging (CITA2025)". This conference will bring together experts from around the world to delve into the latest advancements, technical challenges, and future trends in the fundamental theories, systems, technologies, devices, computational processing, and applications of computational imaging. CITA aims to become the premier international academic event in the field of computational imaging, offering the largest scale, highest level, and most comprehensive content. This conference is an international event, and we warmly welcome researchers and industry professionals from related fields both domestically and abroad to actively submit papers and participate in the conference.

Honorary Chair
Songlin Zhuang
(Chinese Academy of Engineering, China)
General Chairs
Min Gu
(Chinese Academy of Engineering, China)
Jianyu Wang
(Chinese Academy of Science, China)
David Brady
(University of Arizona, USA)
Qian Chen
(North University of China,China)
Xiaopeng Shao
(Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS, China)
Liangcai Cao
(Tsinghua University,China)
Xiaodi Tan
(Fujian Normal University, China)
Executive Chair
Chao Zuo
(Nanjing University of Science Technology, China)
  Exhibition and Display of "New-Quality Productivity"


Relevant enterprises in the industry are invited to gather for exhibition and communication. The invitation scope includes chips (GPU, FPGA, ASIC), basic hardware (light sources, lenses, industrial 3D cameras, image acquisition cards, DLP devices, lasers, image processing units, visual processing software), cloud computing, data centers, industry solutions, etc.

      Head of the Exhibition Department (Enterprise Participation in Exhibitions, Sponsorship)

      Rongpeng E, Chinese Society for Optical Engineering, China

      Tel: 13001030561, E-mail:

      Sheng Guo, Chinese Society for Optical Engineering, China

      Tel: 18710157604, E-mail:


Special Sessions for Young Rising Stars and Outstanding Students


In order to further strengthen the construction of the young talent team, stimulate the scientific research enthusiasm of young scholars, and support and encourage the growth of young scholars at all levels, this conference is jointly organized by various topics. Special sessions for young scholars' reports will be held during the conference, and participation certificates will be issued. Excellent reports will be selected and awarded certificates. The specific holding time and arrangements of the special sessions will be notified separately. Young scholars are warmly welcome to actively submit contributions and sign up to participate.
 一、Young Rising Star
1.Participation Method: Submit an extended abstract in the conference submission system.  When submitting, select "Young Rising Star/Outstanding              Student/Topic X" in the topic options. Submission  website:

2. Eligibility Requirements: Young scholars under 35 years old (born after January 1, 1989).
3. Report Time: 8 minutes.
4. Review Experts: Experts from each topic; Professional committee members of the special committee.
5.Participation Advantages: Outstanding young teachers can be candidates for the "Excellent Doctoral and Young Talent Support" projects of the society.

二、Outstanding Student

1. Participation Method: Choose either to participate in the special session for young scholars or the oral reports of each topic.
2. Eligibility Requirements: Currently enrolled full-time students.
3. Report Time: 5 minutes.
4. Review Experts: Experts from each topic; Professional committee members of the special committee.
5. Participation Advantages: Selected outstanding doctoral students can be candidates for the "Doctoral Young Talent Support" project of the Association forScienceand Technology.


1.Young scholars can register for both the special session of young scholars' reports and the oral reports of topic simultaneously. Requirement: The report contents for the two scenarios need different. Please indicate the participation content when submitting, and prepare according to the specific requirements of the special session and the topics respectively.

2.Outstanding students can only participate in one of them.